EIE News & Updates: 2022

December 19, 2022 Imagine what a safer Internet would look like!


December 7, 2022 Announcing Donna's TED Talk! Imagine What a Safer Internet Would look like if we ALL did our part

Dear Friend, I was honored to be invited to do a TED Talk which I want to share it with you, our trusted friends and partners. Without you, we could not do the work we do to further our goal of preventing the online exploitation ...MORE..

November 28, 2022 100% of EIE's team has skin in the game this #GivingTuesday. Will you join us?

What would you be willing to do  to prevent a child from suffering at the hands of internet predators, traffickers, pornographers or cyberbullies? ...MORE..

October 31, 2022 Help End Big Tech Immunity! Please sign the petition today!

Friend, The online sexual exploitation of children has risen at an alarming rate in recent years.    Internet predators and traffickers have easy and anonymous access to vulnerable and unsuspecting children, who often fall into the predator’s grooming trap and are seduced into sending sexual ...MORE..

October 18, 2022 Been Bullied? Important Information you need to know to protect your child online

October is National Bullying Prevention Month.  Remember when the home used to be a child's refuge from neighborhood bullies? The popularity of social media platforms and instant communication through text and messaging apps place children at risk of being a potential target of cyberbullying anywhere ...MORE..

October 13, 2022 ICYMI - Donna's Op-Ed and Broadcast Interview on "Twitter P*rn" and DOJ's Need to Step Up Priorities to Protect Children Online

Dear Friend, I hope you'll take a moment to view the news stories below featuring Enough Is Enough® aimed at holding Big Tech and DOJ accountable to protect children online! My Op-Ed, Protecting children from sexual exploitation is ...MORE..

October 6, 2022 See what Enough Is Enough® has Accomplished Since April!

Thanks to your support and generosity.... Enough Is Enough® (EIE) has made significant headway in ...MORE..

September 30, 2022 Major Brands are Blasting Twitter and Stopping their Ad Campaigns! Find out why here!

Big news to share! Please see my statement sent earlier today to the press! Press statement: Enough Is Enough® Urges Businesses to Reconsider Advertising on Twitter as Platform Pairs Marketing Campaigns Alongside Child Sexual Abuse Material Major brands including Mazda, PBS Kids, Dyson, Forbes and DIRECTV recently suspended their marketing ca ...MORE..

September 29, 2022 Hot off the Press! Introducing Internet Safety 101® Quick Guides for Parents and Educators

Dear Friend, Enough Is Enough® (EIE) is thrilled to unveil Internet Safety 101® Quick Guides for Parents & Educators!! Now, at a glance, you can find prevention and safety information related to key internet safety topics. Quick Guides are now available to include: Pornography 10 ...MORE..

September 9, 2022 Victory! Instagram Removes Pornhub Account

Dear Friend, BIG NEWS! This week, Instagram removed the official account of Pornhub! This is a huge VICTORY in the fight to dismantle the multi-billion-dollar pornography industry which profits from the exploitation of human beings! Pornhub, which had 13.1 million Instagram followers, c ...MORE..

August 25, 2022 Help Us Rein In Big Tech

Dear Friend, Enough Is Enough® (EIE) has exciting news about legislation for which we have been longtime advocates. On July 27th, the Senate Com ...MORE..

August 23, 2022 Read This Before Sharing your Child's 'First Day of School' Photos

Dear Friend, It's that time of year and kids everywhere are heading back to school! Before you send your children on their way, we're sharing a few helpful tips to keep them safe: Think twice before sharing that First Day of School photo! Whi ...MORE..

August 4, 2022 Not a matter of IF, but WHEN your child is exposed to this. Will you be prepared?

Parents everywhere are concerned about exposure to content their children can easily access from their smart phones, laptops, notebooks and gaming systems. In fact, the multi-billion pornography industry engages deliberate marketing tactics to ensure ...MORE..

July 29, 2022 See Donna's Statement on World Day Against Human Trafficking

FUND THE FIGHT Dear Friend, This July 30th, Enough Is Enough® joins thousands o ...MORE..

July 19, 2022 Is Gaming Part of your Child's Summer Fun? Read this!

Gaming 101 Summer Safety Tips FUND THE FIGHT ...MORE..

June 29, 2022 Where exactly are your kids spending their time online? Do you really know?

DO YOU KNOW which online accounts your children use, including social media and gaming sites, messaging and e-mail? As a child can be subject to cyberbullying, be asked to share explicit images/videos or even come into contact with a child predator, it ...MORE..

June 17, 2022 Warning! Is Your Child Sharing too much info online?

Did you know that internet predators can judge by the appearance of a profile or by the behavior that a child is exhibiting online whether he or she might be a prime target for sexual grooming and exploitation? Children, teens and adolescents who ...MORE..

June 10, 2022 There are no Take-backs Online!

FUND THE FIGHT Teach your children how to protect personal information posted online and ...MORE..

June 3, 2022 Summer Safety Includes Internet Safety!

Dear Friend, With the arrival of summer, beach trips, camps, family road trips and destination travel will be on the radar for families and children everywhere. But as we all know, more downtime and a reduction in structured activity can lead to children and adolescents spending more time on their pho ...MORE..

May 24, 2022 Your Generosity and Support made THIS Happen!

Educating and Empowering the Public Advocating for Greater Corporate Responsibility Advocating for Strong Public Policy & Rule of Law Engaging Faith-based Communities ...MORE..

May 12, 2022 Look what you helped us Accomplish!

Educating, Equipping and  Empowering the Public Thanks to your support and g ...MORE..

May 9, 2022 Is social media impacting your child's mental heaLth?

Dear Friend,  It’s good for children to be connected with one another, but connection to th ...MORE..

April 28, 2022 Parent Alert! Police say "Lizzy" Groomed and Exploited 80 Children

California Man Who Posed as "Lizzy" Allegedly Lured 80 Prepubescent Children into Making Child Sex Abuse Material Sheriff's Department Urging Parents to Check their Child's Electronic Devices, Now Working to ID International Victims ...MORE..

April 21, 2022 Alert! Parents and grandparents, protect their innocence!

\ Social media platforms are fertile grounds for various kinds of online abuse and harassment including cyberbullying, sextortion and revenge pornography. In the ...MORE..

March 31, 2022 See Donna's Statement on Protecting Children from Online Abuse

  Statement by Donna Rice Hughes, President and CEO of Enough Is Enough® on Child Sex Abuse Material and the Need to Enhance Penalties for Offenders The most egregious sexual content depicting child abuse and rape of children, ...MORE..

March 17, 2022 It may be March, but this is definitely Madness!

Teens, children, and even infants are sexually exploited and trafficked online by predators who share images of their sexual abuse freely across the internet...all while big tech claims "immunity". 29.3 million CyberTipline reports containing over 84.9 million images, ...MORE..

February 17, 2022 We're one step closer to Big Tech Accountability - thanks to you!

"No child is immune from online sexual exploitation; they deserve this timely legislation to defend their  ?innocence and dignity. "  -- Kathy Hatem, Enough Is Enough® Director of Communications, EARN IT Press Conference ...MORE..

February 8, 2022 See Donna's Op-Ed: Dismantling Big Tech's Un-EARNED Immunity

Read Donna's Entire Editorial Here as it appeared today in The Washington Times on newsstands and online. Excerpts below: ...MORE..

February 7, 2022 February 8 is Safer Internet Day - What's Your Safety Plan?

  February 8, 2022, is known globally as “Safer Internet Day.” Every day, leaders, advocates, ...MORE..

February 1, 2022 The Earn It Act Will Finally Hold Big Tech Accountable...Your Help Needed today!

WHAT IS THE "EARN IT ACT?" The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (EARN IT Act of 2022, S. 3538) was introduced Monday in the Senate. This critical, bipartisan legislation holds electronic ...MORE..

January 20, 2022 5 Facts about Human Trafficking you may not know

5 Facts You May Not Know:  Every 30 seconds a child or teen is sold in the commercial sex industry in the United States. The majority of teens tricked and groomed into human trafficking met their trafficker or commu ...MORE..