EIE’s pioneering efforts to prevent the Internet-enabled exploitation of children began an ongoing movement in 1994 which continues to this day.
EIE Pledges to Defend
Child Safety and Dignity in the Digital World
Children’s Internet Safety
Presidential Pledge
Candidate Donald Trump and Secretary Hillary Clinton signed Enough Is Enough®’s 2016 bi-partisan Children’s Internet Safety Presidential Pledge promising, if elected president, to uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforcing existing federal laws to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online, including the obscenity, child pornography, sexual predation & sex trafficking laws.
Children’s Internet Safety
Governor’s Pledge
S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster signed the first ever “Children’s Internet Safety Governor’s Pledge,” developed in partnership with EIE and modeled after EIE’s bipartisan Presidential Pledge. The goal is for all Governors’s to sign the Pledge, thereby making the issues of the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in the digital world a top priority in their state.
Children’s Internet Safety
Attorneys General Pledge
EIE partnered with AG Alan Wilson (R – South Carolina) to develop an Attorney Generals’ Pledge modeled after the Presidential Pledge. Attorney General Karl Racine (D - Washington D.C.) formed a bi-partisan partnership with AG Wilson to partner with EIE to facilitate a national effort to engage all State AG’s .
Internet Safety 101®
The Emmy & Telly Award-winning Internet Safety 101SM Program is a multi-media Internet safety resource designed to educate and empower parents, educators and other adults with the knowledge and resources needed to protect children from Internet dangers including pornography, predators, cyberbullies and threats related to online gaming, social networking and mobile devices. Created in partnership with the Department of Justice, is the only multi-media adult-focused program designed to prevent Internet-initiated crimes against children through educating, equipping and empowering parents and caregivers to protect children from online dangers.
Project Wilberforce
The Project Wilberforce campaigns were designed to end the Internet-enabled sexual exploitation of children and adults and restore a culture of dignity and respect. Each of these campaigns are making great strides in raising awareness of the social costs of Internet pornography as a fueling factor in the sexual exploitation of children, violence against women, pornography addiction, the breakdown of marriage, sexual predation and sex trafficking.
The following campaigns are part of "Project Wilberforce":
High Road Campaign
Through its launch of the "High Road" campaign, Enough Is Enough® has remained steadfast in its efforts to thwart cyberbullying by encouraging children and parents alike to treat others with common decency, dignity and respect. As such, EIE launched the "Random Posts of Kindness" and "Sweet Tweets" campaigns designed to generate a safer, more civil Internet and a reduction in cyberbullying, revenge porn and sexual exploitation online. (SEE MORE)
Safe Wi-Fi Campaign
EIE’s Safe WiFiSM campaign calls on corporate America to voluntarily filter porn and child sex abuse images on its public WiFi so that children, youth, families and adults can be provided a safer, more friendly WiFi environment. With corporate giants such as McDonald's and Starbucks taking the lead, the Safe WiFiSM campaign is now being advanced to businesses of all sizes and industries in hopes they too will initiate this important step in displaying corporate responsibility, including the travel industry, hotels, airlines, universities and churches, among others. (SEE MORE)

College Safe Wi-Fi Campaign
EIE’s College Safe WiFiSM campaign is aimed at calling on colleges and universities to voluntarily filter child sex abuse images and pornography, putting the safety of students first. (SEE MORE)
Public Health Porn Pandemic
This campaign continues to fuel the growing movement to shed light on the social costs and corroding influence of Internet pornography as a public health epidemic, backed by peer-reviewed social and medical science. More than a dozen states have passed or adopted resolutions declaring pornography a public health crisis. (SEE MORE)
Advocacy Campaigns
We urge people to advocate for what they believe, hosting campaigns to petition for changes in laws, enforcement, and corporate behavior.
Among them, we encourage people to join our petitions to:
Shut Down Pornhub by demanding DOJ Prosecute Pornhub & MindGeek for U.S. Law Violations such as Child Porn, Trafficking Content AND Obscene Pornography!
- Petition to Teen Vogue to shut down the TEENVOGUE.COM website, which is "a Parent’s Worst Nightmare”
- Petition to Remove Cuties from Netflix and ask the Department of Justice to investigate film for child pornography violations
Recovering Hearts
The vision is to implement a holistic strategy promoting healthy sexuality and genuine intimacy and to prevent sexual exploitation of children, women and men. (SEE MORE)
About Enough Is Enough® Mission: Founded in 1992, (EIE) is a 501(c)3 national, non-partisan non-profit with a mission to make the Internet safer for children and families by advancing solutions that promote equality, fairness and respect for human dignity with shared responsibility between the public, technology and the law. We stand for freedom of speech as defined by the Constitution of the United States; for a culture where all people are respected and valued; for a childhood with a protected period of innocence; for healthy sexuality; and for a society free from sexual exploitation.`
EIE is a 100% donor-supported organization and relies on the generous contributions of our donors.