Three in four pastors (73%) have handled pornography-related questions this past year.
Most pastors want to help people with sexual struggles, but feel underqualified to address many of the issues they are asked to address. Two-thirds of all pastors (68%) “agree strongly” that the Church should help people with personal sexual challenges. One-quarter (27%) “agree somewhat.” Yet, fewer than one-third of pastors feel “very qualified” to address a majority of the sexual issues listed in the survey. (Sexuality & the Church in America 1, Barna, November 2018).
28% of Christian men and 11% of Christian women say they were first exposed to pornography before the age of 12 (compared to 23% of non-Christian men and 24% of non-Christian women). 2014 Pornography Survey and Statistics. Proven Men Ministries. (accessed Dec. 29, 2015).