Christians and Online PornChristians and Online Porn (older archives available here)

  • Three in four pastors (73%) have handled pornography-related questions this past year. 

    Most pastors want to help people with sexual struggles, but feel underqualified to address many of the issues they are asked to address. Two-thirds of all pastors (68%) “agree strongly” that the Church should help people with personal sexual challenges. One-quarter (27%) “agree somewhat.” Yet, fewer than one-third of pastors feel “very qualified” to address a majority of the sexual issues listed in the survey. (Sexuality & the Church in America 1, Barna, November 2018).

  • New research provides evidence that college men who frequently participant in religious activities are less likely to engage in sexually aggressive and coercive behaviors. (Journal for Scientific Study of Religion, May 2018)
  • A 2016 Barna Study Found:
    --Teens & young adults view “not recycling” as more immoral than viewing porn. ( survey responses: 88% Stealing; 56% Not recycling, 32% Viewing Porn. 
  • --Most pastors (57%) and youth pastors (64%) admit they have struggled with porn, either currently or in the past.
    --41% of Males (Practicing Christians) and 13% of Females (Practicing Christians) ages 13-24 are actively seeking porn at least once or twice a month)
  • 21% of Christian men and 2% of Christian women say they think they might be “addicted” to pornography or aren’t sure if they are (compared to 10% of non-Christian men and 4% of non-Christian women). 2014 Pornography Survey and Statistics. Proven Men Ministries. (accessed Dec. 29, 2015).
  • 28% of Christian men and 11% of Christian women say they were first exposed to pornography before the age of 12 (compared to 23% of non-Christian men and 24% of non-Christian women). 2014 Pornography Survey and Statistics. Proven Men Ministries. (accessed Dec. 29, 2015).