EIE is partnering with other faith-based organizations, including churches, to bring the message of Internet dangers and safety to those whose lives are touched daily by this national ministry. In response to a request from the Salvation Army, EIE developed an educational program that trains SA leadership and foot soldiers on the dangers of illegal pornography and sexual predators on the Internet. The goal of the program is to provide safety solutions to protect children and families using the Internet; and equip the SA to minister healing to those whose lives have been harmed by pornography, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Donna Rice Hughes has already conducted training sessions for the SA National Women Leaders and Ethics Committee, and additional training has been scheduled for SA regional and grassroots women's leaders within the next year.
EIE developed a prototype church and lay leadership training seminar series to equip churches to minister recovery and healing to those whose lives have been sexually broken. Working in partnership with McLean Bible Church, McLean, Virginia.
EIE creates prayer/intercessory networks to cover the nation in prayer and win the battle in the heavenlies.