September 27, 2010

Idea Camp Vegas

EIE Director of Communications and Congressional Relations Cris Clapp Logan will be joining the Idea Camp in Las Vegas, NV, September 27-28, 2010.  Cris will be serving as an Idea Camp guide, facilitating discussion regarding Internet safety, pornography and children's access to sexual content online.  For more about the event and to register, visit Idea Camp's site.

About Idea Camp

The Idea Camp is a collaborative movement of idea-makers who facilitate hybrid conferences and develop resources for people who desire to move ideas towards implementation. Facilitated by a growing collective of innovative thinkers and practitioners from numerous disciplines, participants gather around topics of interest to encourage & inspire one another, share practical wisdom from the field, and develop viable networks for idea-making.

The focus of our conferences will be on the participants (yes, YOU!) and not necessarily on keynote speakers. We function under the premise that the crowd collectively is always smarter and wiser than any one speaker. Our goal is to facilitate an environment in which peer-to-peer learning can take place with guidance of those who may have some experience in a given field of focus. In fact, you are welcome to email us with feedback on how a particular conference is shaping up as well as how you might see yourself participating at our event. We do take suggestions for workshops (called Idea Sessions) and conference experiences.

Idea Camp is a movement of friends. If you are interested in submitting a proposal to facilitate an Idea Session workshop, please email us.