Os Hillman, President of Marketplace Leaders, hosting a Tele-seminar with
Donna Rice Hughes, Enough Is Enough®
on Internet Security and Protection for Children
Thursday July 24th, 2014
7-8 pm EST
Mark your calendars! This Thursday, President and CEO of Enough Is Enough®®, Donna Rice Hughes, will be speaking in a Teleseminar with Os Hillman.

Enough Is Enough®® (EIE) is a 501(c) 3 national, non-partisan non-profit that has been a leader on the front lines of efforts to protect children from online dangers since 1994. EIE's mission is to make the Internet safer for children and families by advancing solutions that promote equality, fairness and respect for human dignity with shared responsibility between the public, the technology industry and the legal community.
EIE's President, Donna Rice Hughes is an internationally known Internet safety expert, author, speaker, Emmy award-winning filmmaker. As a respected leader of national efforts to protect children, Donna has championed EIE's mission to make the Internet safer for children and families for over 20 years. She has given over 4,000 media interviews promoting Internet safety and the prevention of the online exploitation of children. She has been features on CNN, Fox News, Oprah, MSNBC, The Today Show, Good Morning America and in The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal among many others. She is the recent recipient of the 2013 women in Technology Award (WIT) for Social Impact.
In this teleseminar, you will learn about:
- What you and your family don't know about the Internet that could be putting your children at risk.
- What strategies sexual predators utilize on the Internet.
- Why the Internet is not only the greatest invention of our time, but also the most dangerous.
- What you can do to better protect your children and family in this digital era.
Don't miss out on this informative teleseminar!