March 22, 2018

SENATE CRACKS DOWN ON ONLINE BROTHELS: White House calls it step 'to end modern slavery in all of its forms'

The U.S. Senate, following House action just weeks ago, Wednesday adopted H.R. 1865, which supporters say will fight online "brothels" that sell sex. A statement from the White House said it is a step "to end modern slavery in all of its forms."...

Donna Rice Hughes, president and CEO of the activist organization Enough is Enough, said the 97-2 Senate vote is a “critical step toward draining the cyberswamp of commercial sexploitation.”

Enough Is Enough® (EIE) commends the U.S. Senate for its leadership on this historic bill following a multi-year pursuit for justice which is nothing short of a David and Goliath victory against the multibillion dollar trafficking industry and the tech giants’ who lobbied against the bill’s passage,” she said.

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