August 3, 2017

Tune in Thursday to Hear Outrage over Teen Vogue Article

EIE President takes to the airways THIS THURSDAY to discuss outrage over Teen Vogue Article Promoting Anal Sex to its Young Readers

EIE President Donna Rice Hughes will appear on the Eric Metaxas Show on a 40-minute discussion to discuss the outrage over the recent publishing of Teen Vogue’s article   Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way (July 7, 2017). The segment is scheduled to air online at 2pm ET, and then on various stations around the country. (Check here to find a station in your area). Be sure to tune in to get the latest!

UPDATE:  We still need your help!  Just last week, we launched an online petition to tell Teen Vogue to remove the article immediately. We have nearly 7,500 signatures, but we want to reach 25,000. 


telling Teen Vogue to remove this article!

Tell Teen Vogue to immediately remove this article from its website, and demand it not be published in a future print version of the magazine. Please, sign the petition now which will go to the editors of Teen Vogue. Be sure to forward this to your friends so we can reach our petition goal!

Finally, we count on and need your financial support to continue these efforts to keep children safe in the digital world. Will you donate today

Thank you for your support in protecting the innocence of all of our children!


WHO:  EIE President Donna Rice Hughes

WHAT:  Radio Interview with Eric Metaxas

WHEN: August 3 at 2 PM ET (and broadcast at different times around the country)

Tune in Here or check your local listings