March 20, 2009

Internet Safety 101® Panel for Chesapeake, VA (March 23)

Internet Safety 101®: Empowering Parents Panel in Chesapeake, VA

The Western Branch High School PTSA, in conjunction with the PTSAs of Western Branch Middle School and Joliff Middle School, will present a program on "Internet Safety 101®: Empowering Parents" in the high school auditorium on Monday night, March 23. The Western Branch High School PTSA will be focusing their annual PTSA program on understanding social networks and developing safety guidelines for children at home.

The program will be guided by Cris Clapp, who handles Communications at Enough Is Enough®. It will include an introduction to Internet dangers. Participants will also view portions of the Internet Safety 101®: Empowering Parents Program. Additionally, Ms. Clapp will lead a panel of local leaders in a question and answer section to help parents and educators learn more about proactively protecting youth in cyberspace. This event is open to the public.

Event Information:

Date: Monday, March 23, 2009
Location: Western Branch High School Auditorium, Chesapeake, VA
Time: 7:00 PM

Local Sponsors
PTSAs of Western Branch High School, Joliff Middle School & Western Branch Middle School