#6 Project Wilberforce
The mission is to end the Internet-enabled sexual exploitation of children and restore a culture of dignity and respect. The Public Health Pornography Pandemic campaign, is undergirding the growing national movement to shed light on the social costs of Internet pornography as a public health pandemic.
Since 1994, EIE has provided vision, leadership, expertise, aggregated research and resources to inform the public, media, policy makers, law enforcement and corporate leaders on the negative impact of cyberporn on the emotional, physical and mental health of children and youth.
The fruit of this movement is evidenced by the Utah legislature's resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis, which leads to the "hyper-sexualization of teens" and an "increase in the demand for sex trafficking, prostitution, and child pornography." A similar resolution was recently adopted in Canada (M-47) AND the 2016 GOP Platform included language declaring Internet pornography a public health issue.