The Surgeon General's recent warning regarding the profound risks that social media poses to our children's mental health and safety demands immediate action.

Just as we have held Big Tobacco accountable for the dangers it posed to public health, it is now time to treat Big Tech with the same level of scrutiny and accountability.

It’s time for Big Tech to do the right thing and be part of the solution, rather than a part of the problem. Congress has introduced multiple bills to take decisive action and rein in Big Tech companies, ensuring the protection of our children from the dangers lurking online.

Sign the petition and join EIE and our NGO coalition partners advocating that Congress prioritize the well-being of our youth by:

  • Implementing new policies that safeguard the mental health and safety of children in the digital world.

  • Holding DOJ accountable to aggressively enforcing all the federal laws (child sexual abuse material, obscenity, human trafficking, sexual predation laws) designed to prevent the online sexual exploitation and abuse of children. 

Take action today and make a difference in the lives of our children.

Sign our petition today to make your voice heard!

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