March 19, 2015

BizPacReview, "Porn-free Wi-Fi: Push to get Starbucks & McDonald’s to filter more than just coffee is gaining steam" by Donna Rice Hughes

"There is no doubt that the Internet has revolutionized our lives for the better. Digital technologies are evolving daily with new innovations, cool tools, toys and devices. Being connected is a way of life for most everyone over the age of 10. Older youth don’t even differentiate between their online lives and their offline lives.

Since the development of the first scalable communications vehicle, the printing press, evil doers have found a way to exploit otherwise beneficial technologies and innovations. The Internet is no exception. Due to its power to reach millions of people with a touch screen or mouse click, the damage done by those that exploit the Internet is exponential.


Unfortunately, sexual predators and pornographers were the early adaptors of the Internet, even prior to the World Wide Web. They used bulletin board services and newsgroups to communicate, share trade secrets about molesting children, and trade and sell child pornography and prosecutable obscenity.


Protecting children on the Internet continues to be a daunting challenge, one that has been my passion and life’s work since 1994. Unfortunately, children with unrestricted Internet access can freely view a la carte porn of every type…. from softer material to vile depraved images of bestiality, anal sex and child pornography. Additionally, sexual predators have easy and anonymous access to children online." Read more here.