January 6, 2020

EIE's already making headlines in 2020!



We're just 6 days into the new year and Enough Is Enough® (EIE) is already making headlines and gaining serious momentum on some very important issues we've been tackling this past year! 

The Washington Times recently published an op-ed I penned, "Draining the CyberSwamp" calling on the need for Attorney General Barr to crack down on obscene pornography in addition to child pornography, sexual predation, and sex trafficking laws and calling on Congress to provide the necessary funding for AG Barr and DOJ to do their job. My op-ed cites President Trump's commitment made in EIE's bi-partisan Children Internet Safety Presidential Pledge. You can read the entire article here. In the meantime, here's just a short excerpt:

The time to drain the cyberswamp is now. When our new chief law enforcement officer begins to go after these unbridled pornographers, who have flagrantly ignored the obscenity laws, the tide will begin to turn. Mr. Barr successfully prosecuted obscenity cases under George H.W. Bush’s term, and he is the right man to do it again now.

He needs to tell pornographers: “There’s a new sheriff in town, and on my watch, the production and distribution of illegal pornography that is prosecutable under current U.S. obscenity laws will no longer be tolerated. Enough Is Enough®!”

The Daily Caller interviewed me regarding Teen Vogue's most recent abhorrent promotion of its "anal sex 101 guide" to its teen audience in a Christmas day tweet! Friends, this is outrageous and irresponsible. Please, join us to #SayNOToTeenVogue. Sign our petition now.

I can promise you this, EIE will continue to fight to protect the safety, dignity and innocence of children in the digital world as we've done for the past 25 years. 

We've got grand goals in 2020 and need all hands on deck to continue our good fight to make the Internet safer for children and families! 

But we cannot move forward without the necessary financial resources. Please, consider a one-time donation of any amount or become a monthly supporter

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wishing you and your family a safe and blessed 2020!

President & CEO

Enough Is Enough®