September 4, 2012

EIE and AT&T Collaborate to Promote Mobile Safety Initiatives

 September 4, 2012, Washington, D.C.- Enough Is Enough®® (EIE) announced their collaboration with AT&T to promote Mobile Safety Initiatives including AT&T's ongoing "It Can Wait" campaign and "No Text On Board - Pledge Day" on September 19.  As part of their work together, EIE has incorporated a new "It Can Wait" Safety 101 Rule promoting mobile and texting safety. This rule will be implemented in the upcoming 3.0 version of the "Rules 'N Tools®" segment of EIE's Telly award-winning, multimedia Internet Safety 101®® Program. Today, EIE released the video version of the new Mobile Safety Rule available on both AT&T's and Enough Is Enough®'s websites and on YouTube.

To read the full story click here.